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MxHero automatically replaces email attachments with cloud storage links. This simple concept can result in several profound improvements to how files are managed in email. Organizations can now
- Track & Control attachment access even after message delivery
- Centrally configure the security profile of all attachments and cloud links sent
- Rapidly find the attachment (needle) in the Inbox (haystack) by utilizing the search features of the Box platform
- Communicate better leveraging powerful cloud storage features like file preview allowing for better communication.
MX Hero

MxHero helps organizations mitigate risks through email security features that can automatically discover and capture messages and attachments and store them in a user’s Box account. MxHero’s analysis engine inspects email flows and message and attachment content, so it can apply appropriate Box
security and governance features, such as legal holds, retention policies, and access restrictions.

Helps organizations efficiently manage their important email correspondence. Through its intelligent message analysis engine, emails can be auto-filed to the appropriate Box folder. Messages saved to Box with mxHero are optimized to leverage Box features.
With unlimited Box storage in Business Plus and Enterprise versions and powerful features of Box, mxHero can help turn Box into a cost-effective email management system. MxHero's auto-filing intelligence and content optimization for Box storage helps to ensure powerful search features across all email content.

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